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网址:www.liushui.au08.cn  2021-06-28  作者:admin    阅读:

为了满足市场的不同需求,各种性能和用途的车型不断推陈出新,尤其对三厢车的开发更为青睐。从市场的销售数据显示,节能与新能源汽车的研制也倾向于三厢车的开发与制造,三厢车的顶盖相比于两厢车顶盖增加了尾部流水槽的造型,尤其是带天窗结构的三厢车顶盖,在模具开发过程中,需要制定更多的工序和复杂的模具结构。目前流水槽的成形质量已经成为整个顶保定平面设计培训 保定室内设计培训 保定空调移机 保定太阳能维修 保定厨房排烟 雄安管道通风 盖模具设计的关键
With the increasingly fierce competition in the domestic automobile market, in order to meet the different needs of the market, the models with various performances and uses are constantly innovated, especially for the development of three compartment cars. According to the sales data of the market, the development of energy-saving and new energy vehicles also tends to the development and manufacture of the hatchback. Compared with the hatchback, the top cover of the hatchback increases the shape of the tail water channel, especially the top cover of the hatchback with skylight structure. In the process of mold development, more processes and complex mold structure need to be developed. At present, the forming quality of the water trough has become the key to the design of the whole top cover die

